Monday, August 2, 2010

Book 4: Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen

Date Started: August 2, 2010
Date Finished: September 16, 2010

My first Jane Austen book! I was really excited to read this book since I've heard such good things about it and the movie. One thing that scared me was I had read somewhere that Jane didn't end up with Mr. Bingley. I read that somewhere online when I had first started reading the book and it made me sad. :/ But I'm happy that they did! The book had such a great ending.

The Bennet's, a family that consists of 5 daughters, a quiet father and a mother who is intent on marrying her daughters off to rich men with fine families. The two oldest daughters, Jane and Elizabeth were the center of the love story. A wealthy family comes into town, Jane and Elizabeth meet Mr. Bingley and Mr. Darcy, and the story sets off. Jane and Bingley instantly attract to each other and it seems like they'll marry off soon. Elizabeth is disgusted by Darcy's attitude and pride and judges him from her initial impression. Soon after, the wealthy family leaves without so much as a goodbye. Jane is devastated, Elizabeth is relieved.

Elizabeth seems to keep running into Mr Darcy. Even though it seems like they can't stand each other, he proposes marriage to her out of no where. She declines him because she believes it was him to made Bingley leave Jane. Darcy writes Elizabeth a letter explaining everything that had happened and it turns out he's not what she thought he was. Her pride and prejudices got in the way. They soon meet again and it's known that they're in love and want to get married. Also, Bingley comes back for Jane, and everything ends happily ever after.

Simple concept of a love story, but the old english writing style of the book is what makes it difficult to read. I wanted to get into the book and read but after a section I had to stop and either re-read, or sit there and try and decipher what I had just read. Every time the story was focusing on Elizabeth and Darcy tho, I couldn't put it down. I had to know what was going to happen!

Overall, I'm very happy I read this book. I thoroughly enjoyed reading it, was very pleased with how it ended and am excited to watch the movie(s). I was told the BBC version was the best, so I plan to watch that one first. I'll probably end up watching the other version at some point as well.

Taking another short break to read another paranormal romance book I bought a while ago and it's been staring at me wanting me to read it. Next literature book I plan to read is either 1984 or Great Expectations!