Monday, July 14, 2014

Book 12: Madame Bovary - Gustave Flaubert

Date Started: June 13, 2014 Date Finished: July 12, 2014 Took me just about a month to read this! This was a hard book to read, only because the main character was horrible and the other characters were confusing to understand. I thought this book was going to be a fun read: wife of a doctor gets bored in her marriage and decides to start having affairs. Well, Madam Bovary was never happy for long in anything she did. She was unhappy in her marriage so she starts seeing this other man, he leaves and she almost dies from depression. Then she starts having another affair, who she gets bored of. Then she is in such debt of having her lavish lifestyle, she doesn't want her husband to find out, she eats poison, then she dies. Then the husband dies. Then the parents dies. Which forces the daughter to go live with a cousin and be put to manual labor. The end. Such a hard read where it takes 5 pages to describe how poorly she's feeling about a certain situation. Then another 5 pages to make up her mind about a simple idea, then another 10 pages to see how upset she is about that decision. This character is not likable in anyway. In fact, there really is no character in this whole book that is really likable. The author had poor character development on all the side characters, so I really couldn't remember who they ever were. There was no one to root for. I don't think I'll ever want to read this book again, or think about it for that matter. The only thing that kept me reading fast was so I could finish it and be done with it. ugh

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